United States of Healthcare

When a health concern arises, the worry is two-fold: first, about the condition itself, and secondly, how to effectively access proper treatment and care. Even when you know a great deal about how the system works, navigating the US healthcare system is fraught with difficulty and heartache. The ride through a complicated, fractured, confusing and dehumanizing healthcare system can be maddening. The process of getting the right care for you or a loved one can feel insurmountable. It's almost as if you need to learn a new language. If only you had a translator.

“Maybe stories are
just data with a soul”

—Brene Brown


Our Core Belief

We believe that navigating the US healthcare system should not be more difficult than living with the health condition itself.


Our Purpose

We want every person confronted with the challenges of the US healthcare system to find a partner and a community to get to the other side. We are here to promote a deep understanding of the human experiences of patients, caregivers and their communities as they navigate through the US healthcare system in their search for answers, health and wellness.

By creating a platform for resonate storytelling, we deliver human connection, support, tips, tools and a voice for your concerns. Our community of questioners, seekers and self-advocates will shine a light on and challenge the status quo - the uncoordinated and disconnected experience of care. We seek to bring the power equation between patients, caregivers and providers, back into balance.


Our Method

We are collecting, synthesizing, and sharing the insider's viewpoint for your advantage. We focus on telling the stories of those with deep knowledge and insight into the US healthcare system who have navigated a crisis and come through with valuable lessons to share.

These stories demonstrate how each person recalibrated to surmount the obstacles posed by the various facets of the system. We share their concrete tips and tools so you can benefit from these experiences.


What we are not

Even when discussing dissatisfaction, the tone will always be constructive. Our content is about sharing various points of view. We value the perspective of the patients and caregivers equally with that of healthcare providers.

United States of Healthcare was created to challenge what is, and to connect with what can be.