The Role of a Pharmacist: Their Importance to Your Health

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Most of us understand that pharmacists are in charge of acquiring and dispensing medicines. But the role of a pharmacist is much more significant in your healthcare than you probably realize. They do much more than count pills and refill prescriptions. Pharmacists are also a vital part of the healthcare system and serve as valuable…

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How to Find a Doctor: Choosing the Right Healthcare Provider for You

Maybe you have moved, or your healthcare provider retired, or your insurance changed. Whatever the reason for your search, changing primary care physicians or other providers can be a stressful time. This post provides a 5-step process for how to find a doctor, including research and interview tips so you can choose the right doctor…

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The Other Side of the Healthcare Equation: Nurse becomes patient

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Jennifer Slepin’s Story As a faithful blood donor and Registered Nurse, Jennifer gave blood annually for many years.  Most of the blood in the United States is given by donors who have given before. For Jennifer,  giving blood was a badge of honor; a point of pride.   Back in the early 1990s (the beginning of…

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