What is an EMR? Why You Should Care About Your Electronic Medical Record

These days, if you visit a physician’s office, go to the emergency room, or see your dentist, you may receive some paperwork regarding an “EMR.”  Like most people, you’re probably unfamiliar with the acronym and wonder, “What is an EMR?” An EMR is an essential part of your modern healthcare record. And understanding an EMR’s…

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Your Personal Health Record (PHR): A Guide to Maintaining Health History

hand holding pencil and writing in a notebook

  Most likely, to maintain a record to track your finances, you access online banking apps which track your spending and banking history. But if you’re like most people, you probably don’t keep digital records of your personal health information or that of your loved ones. If you don’t, it’s a good time to start!…

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Understanding the Role of the Pharmacist in Medication Management

Successful medication management — the process of organizing, scheduling, and ensuring the safe use of medications – typically takes the help and experience of a community pharmacist. And more and more, it is important to have a pharmacist on your team, especially if you are taking medication regularly.  A CDC report states that about 45.8%…

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Be Your Own Health Advocate: Why It’s Important & How to Do It Well

Americans aren’t confident about their ability to navigate the healthcare system. In a poll using Google Consumer Surveys of 1,500 people, it was found that almost 27% of respondents avoided medical treatment because of the complexities of the healthcare system. What’s more, a third of respondents were unable to define basic health insurance terms like…

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